Empowering People to Move Money Easily

Your Trusted Partner in Financial Transactions

First of all, I want to share with you that if you're here, you're in the right place. We are a human-based company that helps people to move their money from one place to another easily. We realize that moving money is not so easy sometimes, because we ourselves have struggled doing it. We have committed all our efforts to become a company in which you can trust because we have already helped hundreds of people like you.

Easy Money Transfer

Quickly and securely move your funds to anywhere in the world, hassle-free.

Trustworthy Partnerships

We work with reputable institutions to ensure your investments are safe and profitable.

Personalized Financial Counseling

Get expert advice tailored to your financial goals and needs, guiding you towards success.

About Us

Building Trust Through Real Human Connections

 Have you struggled with financial companies blocking your funds or losing them? 

Or simply not being able to connect to other human beings to resolve problems or obstacles? 

In Global Money Services, you’ll always have a real person whom you can simply call by phone, by WhatsApp, or send an email to, and you will always get an answer fast and simple ,from a human.


 We believe in transparency, truth, and humanity, and we aim to become your favorite money-moving company. 




Hello everybody , first thing is to choose one of our subscription plans , and make yourself a client , everybody is welcome , after just just send us an email or a contact form or a whatsapp to hook up a meeting to talk about your needs … and you are set up !!

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Satisfied Customers


Successful Transfers


Secure Investments

©Copyright. All rights reserved.


email : money@globalmoneyservice.com

whatsapp +34627025387

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